What Tyrone Armstead said about his retirement in his Interview?

For another year and we’re starting our week off right with the Dolphins tackle Tyrone Armstead. We are so happy to have you here with us. Thank you for the time because you’re a pretty busy man. You just got back from Hawaii.

Tell us more. And who are you with? Yeah, went out to Hawaii for a few days with my little brother Tua. He had his first youth football camp out there in his hometown, Jalen Ramsey joined us as well. Tua came to my youth football camp last year and Cahokia Heights, Illinois, so it was only right to go back and return the favor.

Yeah, we’re seeing here some of the videos too, as new tats, but incredible work. What you guys are doing out there. He didn’t want to show he got two of these trips. Well, it looks good. Maybe it’s still fresh. Yeah. Last time we really had a chance to talk with you, you were talking about contemplating retirement.

What changed in your mind? Or why did you decide it’s not time to hang it up yet? In all honesty, the past two, maybe three seasons, I’ve taken time to have that evaluation period to really process. I mean, this game comes with a lot a lot of physical, mental, mental and emotional toll.

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So just really taking taking time to process and like I said, evaluate what I wanted to do. Because when I’m when I’m doing this thing, I never want to be halfway in or it’s a full commitment, full investment. So this this off season, I was a little bit more vocal about that evaluation period, which which raised a lot more coverage.

But I’ve, I’ve went through that process for the past 2 or 3 years. And how would you feel like Miami then respected you giving them that time or being okay with you making that decision at this time? I’m so appreciative of my organization, Chris Greer and the rest of the organization.

The franchise really is first class everything, so they definitely gave me the time, support to do whatever I needed to do, talk to my family and reevaluate everything. And definitely, when we had that conversation that I was that I was coming back, just open arms and let’s, let’s get rolling.

You guys were so close last year and taking kind of a step back at the A, f c East right now. Significant roster changes in Buffalo. New head coach New England Jets trying to pick up that momentum with Aaron Rodgers. Where do you see the biggest opportunity for the Dolphins as you look ahead.

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It’s all in house. It’s all in house. We don’t really look at all the other moving pieces within the division or around the league because we feel like we have enough. We’re talented enough. We’re we’re skilled enough, we’re tough enough.

We just have to do you know, it’s now time to show improve that we can win those big games and live those big moments. So it doesn’t matter who’s traded, who’s we don’t we don’t look at that like we have enough to beat anybody at full strength.

And that’s really our our mindset. That’s our mentality. We have that confidence, but we just have to go out and do it. Dion Dawkins though, from Buffalo, gave you a little bulletin board material saying Miami is our city. Bills Mafia runs through this place.

Just that sigh already. Yeah. Talk to me as Dion as Dion as him. He just likes to talk. Drop a little bit yeah yeah for sure. Yeah he’s a he’s a great player great young player. I love watching him go out and go about his business. He’s been phenomenal.

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His his progression and development as a as a pro he’s he’s one of one of the greats playing that position. So nothing but love for Dion. They don’t own anything at all at all. So that’s just just a little smack talk. That’s it. Are you able to still kind of use that?

If you see a player or a media person say something, can you sort of internalize and try to use that fire? No need to. You don’t need to. You know what I mean? To be able to play this game at the at this at its highest level, you got to be driven, motivated, inspired to do it.

I don’t need a nugget from Dion to get me going at all. It’s all it’s all respect for sure. But when we when we blow the whistle, it’s time to time to get busy. Yeah. The brotherhood of the NFL. We certainly appreciate.

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