NFL Kick off New Rules Announced for Tackling and Kickoffs

we haven’t gone over it but we will this arrangement where the kick happens well beyond the action. Yeah and everybody is packed together in a tight box where you can’t get high-speed collisions. Let’s go ahead and do that while we’re there. You’ve got the kicker at the 35. This is the base package of the new kickoff kickers at the kicking team’s 35.

His 10 teammates are on the receiving team’s 40 and nine of the receiving team players are between the 35 and the 30. It’s all clustered together. If we’ve got the graphic of the hybrid kickoff, I think that really will help people understand what this is going to look like. And then behind that action you’ve got one or two returners in the landing zone.

There it is on the left. Look at the right side of that. The two returners are aligned there between the 20 and the goal line. That is the landing zone. All the X’s are the kicking team members. There are the red dots that are the receiving team blockers. But it’s all packed together in the receiving team’s end of the field.

Chris, with the primary goal of eliminating high-speed collisions and potentially serious neck injuries that would result. Yeah, no it’s it’s I like listen I’m I think it’s the best possible scenario we could figure out to still keep the play. I like it. The five yards really there it’s it’s not enough room to create a huge collision to hurt anybody right. That aspect of it I like I do.

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Um the you know again we’ve talked about the creativity on both sides. You know when the ball’s kicked what what do you do? What are the red dots do? How they can conform or move to block to stop the blue X’s right? Or what are the blue X’s going to do? And you know what pattern or approach are they going to take according to how the ball’s kicked and where are they going to go to corral the tackler?

That’s that’s the that that’s what I’m interested to see the creativity there. The creativity with two returners back. Right now the one thing I will say that like I here’s my first unintended consequence that I worry about right. And you just talked about the punt is a little similar to that right. You got 10 guys here. You got nine guys here. And if one guy misses and it’s a high kick and the guy’s going to return it and he’s looking up.

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you know I do think you could start to see some punt return style car crashes as the gu’s about to oh you can’t do that. You can’t. Yeah, that’s right. That’s right. This is this is the Electric football component that video of the X nobody moves nobody moves nobody moves. I went down the road the road too far my bad my bad my bad that’s right.

So they have to wait till he catches it so you’re good. It’s electric football and the kid’s getting ready to hit the button and he hits the button as soon as the ball is caught so you’re not going to have that height on kicks doesn’t matter.

Hang Time doesn’t matter all that matters is placement where does the ball get caught and then once the ball’s caught off they go the kid’s holding the button boom I’m turning it on as soon as he catches it and and look I’m an idiot I knew that I knew that I I literally thought about an unintended consequence as I was looking at the graph and then talked myself into o that could happen like an idiot uh but that’s fine.

There’s nothing wrong with that. There’s nothing wrong with that it’s a creative mind that gets a little off the rails time get a little definitely but that was a that was uh that that’s what I’m excited for right right there what you see there at the end you know again with a guy who just finds a a a crease and explodes up the field that that’s where I think we all we all love to see great athletes in space and what they can do in those moments and I think that this this new play can can provide us all with that.

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I wish they hadn’t tweaked the rule to move the Touchback from the 35 to the 30 because once these teams start deploying badass returners and once they decide the chances of having a Jason seahorn moment if anybody remembers that the great cornerback of the Giants they decided to make him a kick returner and I think in the Jets Giants game it in the pr was there yeah got hit torn ACL on a kick return and that was that for Jason Sehorn.

I think he played again after that but he was never the same again after that moment right. You’re going to have a less of a risk. So you’re going to put Tyreek Hill back there potentially maybe you’re going to do it in a big game.